BLAU BMW M2 DCT Transmission Fluid Change Kits are the perfect choice for today's discriminating vehicle owners who desire only the highest quality products. Our kits are great for individuals looking to improve the performance, efficiency, and add to the longevity of their transmission. All kits include the correct specification and amount of premium transmission fluid, along with the filters, pan gasket and related hardware for your vehicle make (see the product image showing what is exactly included in this kit).
BLAU BMW M2 7-Speed Transmission Fluid Filter Change Kit includes:
Side DCT Transmission Filter
Bottom DCT Transmission Filter
DCT Transmission Pan Gasket
Transmission Drain Plug
Transmission Fill Plug and Seal
7 Liters German RAVENOL BMW DCT Transmission Fluid - Adequate quantity of fluid for a filter change. This DCT fluid meets BMW DCTF-1, 83220440214, 83222148578, 83222147477 quality specification requirements for the BMW GS7D36SG/BG, S2MKA, Drivelogic 7-Speed DCT transmission.
Always consult your service manual and confirm the specific fluid and oil requirements for your application. Blauparts and Ravenol are not affiliated with BMW Group, BMW AG, BMW Motorrad, BMW of North America, Mini, Mini USA, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, its affiliated companies, its licensors, or any other vehicle manufacturer. All trademarks and OE specification part numbers referenced in this product listing are displayed for identification purposes only and are in no way intended to denote any affiliation with their corresponding owners.
Why change your BMW dual clutch transmission fluid & filter?
Your BMW DCT transmission has hundreds of moving components. Over time these internal components mesh together, begin to wear, and create fine metallic particles. These fine metallic particles contaminate your BMW transmission fluid and plug the filter. This contamination affects your transmission's efficiency and long-term performance, causing more friction and wear on transmission components. By having a regular transmission fluid and filter service interval for your BMW, you will easily extend the life of your transmission. With clean DCT fluid and a fresh transmission filter, you will be providing clean lubrication and proper filtration for your transmission. This vital maintenance interval will support a long-lasting, well-lubricated, and protected transmission, minimizing the chances of costly transmission repairs and problems.
We have observed the BMW DCT transmission fluid getting contaminated earlier than usual. The DCT fluid has a dirty metallic tint as soon as 60,000 miles. We recommend changing the BMW DCT transmission fluid and transmission filter every 50,000 to minimize the chances of wear on critical transmission components. Many people choose to flush only the transmission fluid. At Blauparts, we recommend changing the transmission fluid and filters along with the related components. This can significantly maximize gearbox performance and service life.
Having regular BMW transmission fluid and filter services on your BMW is excellent preventive maintenance. A regular service interval for your transmission is much more logical and inexpensive in the long term. Neglecting your BMW transmission can lead to costly transmission repairs or even having to replace the transmission for several thousand dollars.