Recommended Types of Land Rover Oil Specifications
In the mid 1990's Land Rover began using their own internal engine oil quality specification system. The engine oil quality specifications and standards were put in place to ensure that a higher quality level of engine oil would be used rather than broader and more general API or ACEA oil quality specifications. The new specifications and standards ensure optimal engine reliability and longevity. There are currently 6 different oil types that have been established for Land Rover engines since the mid 1990’s. Each Land Rover oil types are denoted by letters and numbers, signifies the necessary oil chemical properties and performance level required for specific Land Rover engine applications. Land Rover engines that experience mechanical issues or failures can be attributed to the prolonged use of low to mid quality engine oils that are not in accordance with the Land Rover engine oil quality standards. Using the correct type of Land Rover oil specification as suggested by Land Rover for your engine type will offer the best possible engine performance, protection, and longevity. Below you will find a brief overview and explanation of the Land Rover engine oil specifications along with the basic engine application they coincide with.
How to confirm which Land Rover oil specification is right for your engine?
Wondering how to find out what type of oil your Land Rover takes? Always consult your service manual and confirm the exact specific fluid and oil requirements for your specific Land Rover engine application. The recommended Land Rover oil type, specifications, quality standards, and oil viscosity weight are specified in your owner's manual. These specifications can typically be referenced in the owner's manual index under engine oil or operating fluids. If you have lost your owner's manual and are having difficulty determining what type of Land Rover oil to use, you may wish to refer to our BLAU® Oil Change Kits for your Land Rover model. Our oil change kits conveniently include the correct Land Rover oil type, amount of oil, oil filter, and hardware for each specific model and engine type.
PAGE DISCLAIMER: The Land Rover motor oil information on this page should not be used as a substitute for what your vehicle owner's manual, factory service manual, or authorized Land Rover dealer recommends. Consult your owner's manual for the correct type of Land Rover oil that is to be used for your specific Land Rover model. The Land Rover oil specifications referenced in the article are used internationally. However, the Land Rover engine and year applications referenced apply only to Land Rover models available in the USA.

Land Rover STJLR 03.5003 Oil Type Specification
Land Rover STJLR 03.5003 oil type was Land Rovers first oil quality specification released for USA models. This oil specification was primarily used and developed for select gasoline and diesel engines without diesel particulate filter systems. In the USA Land Rover recommended this oil type for 4.2L and 4.4L V8 gasoline engines up to 2009, 3.2L V6 gasoline engines up to 2012, and the 2.0L turbocharged gasoline engines up to 2017. The Land Rover STJLR.03.5003 oil specification will always require a Full SAPS or Full Ash (Full Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) additive level formulation, suitable for extended oil change intervals, and should have a minimum high temperature high shear viscosity HTHS of 2.9 to 3.5 mPa*s.
- Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 oil type specification will always correspond to an ACEA A5 B5 specification and SAE 5W30 viscosity.
- The original Land Rover STJLR.03.5003 oil specification may have referenced the ACEA A1 B1 specification. This is now obsolete and has been updated and replaced by ACEA A5 B5.
Land Rover STJLR 03.5004 Oil Type Specification
Land Rover STJLR.03.5004 oil type was introduced in the USA around 2010. The Land Rover STJLR.03.5004 oil specification was the first oil quality standard used in the Land Rover 5.0L V8 and 3.0L V6 gasoline engines up to 2014. Land Rover STJLR.03.5004 will typically always recommend a Full SAPS or Full Ash additive (Full Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) level formulation suitable for extended oil change intervals and should have a minimum high-temperature high shear viscosity of HTHS of 2.9 - 3.5 mPa*s.
- Land Rover STJLR 03.5004 oil type specification will always correlate to a SAE 5W20 viscosity.
- Land Rover STJLR 03.5004 is also originally corresponded to the ACEA A1 B1 specification. Around 2016 the ACEA A1 B1 specification has been removed or no longer referenced by ACEA. All ACEA A1 B1 oil formulations should be updated to correlate with ACEA A5 B5 quality standards.
Land Rover STJLR 03.5005 Oil Type Specification
Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 oil type specification was primarily developed for use with mid-size displacement Land Rover diesel engines equipped with diesel particulate filter emission after treatment systems. Currently in the USA the Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 oil specification is only used in the Land Rover models equipped with the 3.0L V6 diesel engine, often refered to as Td6. Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 will typically always require a Low SAPS (Low Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) additive level formulation to extend the life of modern engine emission systems, lower oil viscosity, extended oil change intervals, and should have a minimum high temperature high shear viscosity HTHS of 2.9 mPa*s.
- Land Rover STJLR 03.5005 oil type specification will always correspond to an ACEA C1 specification and SAE 5W30 viscosity.
Land Rover STJLR 03.5006 Oil Type Specification
Land Rover STJLR.03.5006 oil type specification started being used in the USA by Land Rover in 2018. Currently the Land Rover STJLR.03.5006 oil specification is being specified for use in the 2018 onward Land Rover 5.0L V8 and 3.0L V6 gasoline engines. It is also specified for use in the 2018 onward Land Rover 2.0L turbocharged gasoline engines. Land Rover STJLR.03.5006 is a Mid SAPS (Mid Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) additive level formulation with lower viscosity and is suitable for extended oil change intervals. This oil specification also focuses on improved fuel economy and should have a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.6 mPa*s.
- Land Rover oil type will correlate to an ACEA C5 oil specification with a SAE 0W20 viscosity.
- If you are challenged in finding an oil that meets the approved Land Rover STJLR 03.5006 specification in your region, you can choose to substitute the use of STJLR 03.5006 with the STJLR 51.5122 oil spec.
Land Rover STJLR 03.5007 Oil Type Specification
Land Rover STJLR.03.5007 oil type quality specification was primarily used and developed for smaller displacement Land Rover diesel engines equipped diesel particulate filter systems. Also known as diesel engine emission or exhaust after treatment systems. Currently in America the Land Rover STJLR.03.5007 oil specification is only used in the Land Rover models equipped with the 2.0 liter diesel engine. The Land Rover STJLR.03.5007 oil spec will typically always be based on a Mid SAPS (Mid Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) additive level formulation, a lower viscosity oil grade, suitable for extended oil change intervals, and should have a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.9 mPa*s.
- Land Rover STJLR 03.5007 oil type specification will also always correspond to an ACEA C2 specification and SAE 0W30 viscosity.
- Please Note: If you are challenged in finding an oil that meets the approved Land Rover STJLR 03.5007 specification in your region, you can choose to substitute the use of STJLR 03.5007 with the STJLR 03.5005 oil spec and 5W30 weight. The STJLR.03.5005 oil type specification was developed for the 3.0L V6 diesel and is suitable for use in the Land Rover Range Rover 2.0L diesel engine.
Land Rover STJLR 51.5122 Oil Type Specification
Land Rover STJLR.51.5122 oil type quality specification started being used in the USA by Land Rover in 2015. Currently the Land Rover STJLR.51.5122 oil specification is being used in the 2015 onward Land Rover 5.0L V8 and 3.0 Liter V6 gasoline engines. Land Rover STJLR.51.5122 is a lower viscosity oil grade with a Mid SAPS (Mid Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) additive level formulation. It is engineered for improved fuel economy and extended oil change intervals. Any oil claiming to meet Land Rover STJLR.51.5122 should have a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.6 mPa*s.
- Land Rover STJLR 51.5122 oil quality specification correlates to the ACEA C5 oil specification and is a SAE 0W20 viscosity.
- The 5W20 viscosity is also in accordance with the Land Rover STJLR 51.5122 specification. However, the SAE 5W20 viscosity can be difficult if not impossible to find. The availability of this oil will depend on your region.
Disclaimer: Always consult your service manual and confirm the specific fluid and oil requirements for your application. Always follow the vehicle manufacturers recommended oil change intervals. Blauparts and Ravenol are not affiliated with Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC or Jaguar Land Rover Limited, its affiliated companies, subsidiaries, licensors, or any other vehicle manufacturer. All trademarks and OE specification part numbers referenced in this product listing or article are displayed for identification purposes only and are in no way intended to denote any affiliation with their corresponding owners.