Land Rover Defender Engine Oil Types

When shopping for Land Rover Defender engine oils, many owners wonder what type of oil specification their specific model uses. Blauparts is here to help! In this blog article, we've put together a Land Rover Defender oil type application list or guide to help you determine the correct Land Rover oil type needed when changing your motor oil. We offer a full line of premium approved European Land Rover oils and convenient BLAU Oil Change Kits that include the necessary quantity of oil, oil type, oil filter, and hardware for 2020-2025 Land Rover Defender models.

With our long history as an independent service garage with over 30 years of hands-on experience in automotive service, we've seen many mechanical breakdowns on vehicles. Experience has shown that changing your oils and fluids is the most crucial preventive maintenance routine to avoid vehicle breakdowns. Regular oil change intervals and using high-quality OEM approved engine oils can significantly help extend the life of your engine to well over 150,000 miles and beyond.

What Type of Engine Oil Should I Use In My Land Rover Defender?

The owner's manual specifies the recommended Land Rover oil, specifications, quality standards, and oil viscosity weight. Always consult the vehicle's service owner's manual to confirm what specific fluids or oils are required for your Land Rover Defender model. These specifications can typically be referenced in the owner's manual index under engine oil or operating fluids. If the owner's manual has been lost and it is difficult to determine what type of Land Rover Defender oil to use, refer to our BLAU® Oil Change Kits buttons below, which match the correct Defender oil specification, oil filter, and hardware for each specific model and engine type.

Land Rover STJLR.03.5006 Oil Type Specification

STJLR 03.5006 oil quality specification started being used in the USA by Land Rover in 2018. Currently, the Land Rover STJLR.03.5006 oil type is being specified for use in the Defender 5.0L V8 and 3.0L V6 gasoline engines. It is also specified for use in the 2018 onward Defender 2.0 liter turbocharged gasoline engines. Land Rover STJLR.03.5006 is a Mid SAPS (Mid Sulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulfur) additive level formulation with lower viscosity and is suitable for extended oil change intervals. This oil specification also focuses on improved fuel economy and should have a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.6 mPa*s.

  • Defender oil type specification correlates to ACEA C5 oil specification and a SAE 0W20 viscosity.
  • If you are challenged in finding an oil that meets the approved Defender STJLR.03.5006 specification in your region, you can choose to substitute the use of STJLR.03.5006 with the STJLR.51.5122 oil spec.

STJLR 03.5006 Oil Type is Used in the following Land Rover Defender Models:

  • 2020-2025 Land Rover Defender 90 110 with 2.0L 16V Turbocharged models use STJLR 03.5006 oil type with viscosity SAE 0W20
  • 2020-2025 Land Rover Defender 90 110 130 with 3.0L 24V Turbocharged L6 models use STJLR 03.5006 oil type with viscosity SAE 0W20
  • 2022-2025 Land Rover Defender 90 110 130 with 5.0L 32V V8 Supercharged models use STJLR 03.5006 oil type with viscosity SAE 0W20

Land Rover Defender Oil Fill Capacity

2.0L Land Rover Defender Oil Change Fill Capacity

  • 2020-2025 Land Rover Defender 2.0L oil change fill capacity is 7.0 liters or 7.4 quarts

3.0L Gasoline Land Rover Defender Oil Fill Capacity

  • 2020-2025 Land Rover Defender 3.0L L6 oil change fill capacity is 8.8 liters (Service fill) or 10.4 liters (Dry fill), 9.2 quarts (Service fill) or 10.9 quarts (Dry fill)

5.0L V8 Land Rover Defender Oil Fill Capacity

  • 2022-2025 Land Rover Defender 5.0L oil change fill capacity is 8.0 liters or 8.0 quarts

Importance of Not Overfilling Your Defender Oil

It is important not to overfill your engine with oil. The below charts recommend adding 0.5 liters less engine oil than the total oil capacity called for Land Rover Defender. After changing the oil and filter, start the engine, and run it until it reaches the full operating temperature of approximately 180°F. Typically, it will take around 15 minutes to achieve engine operating temperature. With the vehicle on level ground, wait a minute or two once the engine is shut off. Then, check the dipstick oil level or use the vehicle's onboard Multimedia Interface computer system to check the oil level. Fill the engine to the full mark. This is the correct way to check the engine oil level and avoid overfilling the engine crankcase when performing your Defender oil change. Following this procedure allows the oil in the engine to warm up and expand so that the dipstick reflects the accurate oil level in the engine. It is also good to ensure your engine and oil are warm before draining because this allows the oil to flow or drain down to the engine's oil pan sump for a more thorough and complete draining of the old engine oil.

Overfilling engine oil is a common mistake. If checking the Defender oil level when the engine is cold, remember that the oil has not fully expanded and if the oil is topped off to the maximum fill level on the dipstick, the engine will likely be overfilled. If the engine oil is overfilled, the excess oil expands, resulting in excess crankcase pressure, which can make its way into the engine's crankcase ventilation breather hoses, PVC valves, and EGR systems. The excess oil will create above-normal engine crankcase pressure and above-normal oil smog, or mist, known as blowby. The excess blowby can pollute the air the engine is ingesting for combustion and impairs the engine PCV ventilation and the EGR systems. When the engine experiences repeated overfilling, the excess blowby will likely contribute to an oily carbon buildup on the topside of the engine's intake and exhaust valves. Over time, repeated overfilling can also cause oily residue and carbon buildup in expensive emission system components and cause catalytic converters, EGR valves, oxygen sensors, EGT sensors, and engine filters to plug up and fail prematurely.

Why Choose Blauparts for All Your Vehicle Lubrication Needs?

BLAU® oil change kits use high-quality, synthetic* engine oils. The engine oils we offer are sourced from lubricant partners that employ sustainable efforts to improve the environment using a higher level of quality. This in turn can support the conservation of the environment through less oil changes and waste, optimize vehicle efficiency and performance, improve and maintain fuel economy, and reduce exhaust/carbon emissions.

*For most kits, check the product description.

Technical Advantages:

  • Convenient BLAU® oil change kits with the correct spec oil and quantities for your specific vehicle make and model
  • Oils feature factory OEM approvals or exceed your vehicle manufacturer's specific oil specification requirements
  • Sustainable motor oils that conserve the environment, improve fuel economy, and reduce exhaust/carbon emissions
  • High-quality oil allows for longer oil change intervals and extended service life that conserve the Earth's resources
  • Motor oils using the latest advanced oil technologies with improved lubricating properties
  • High-performance oils with better HTHS, Noak, and TBN performance levels
  • Motor oils with better cold temperature pour points and high heat flashpoints
  • Better engine protection against sludging, coking, and varnish in the piston ring and valve train areas
  • Long-life OEM oil filters for extended oil change intervals

Always consult your service manual to confirm the specific fluid and oil requirements for your exact vehicle application. Always follow the vehicle manufacturer's recommended oil change intervals. Blau, Blauparts, Eurol, and Ravenol are not affiliated with Volkswagen of America (VwoA), Volkswagen AG, Audi of America, Audi AG, its affiliated companies, subsidiaries, its licensors, any other vehicle, or vehicle part manufacturer. All trademarks and OE specification part numbers referenced in this product listing are displayed for identification purposes only and are in no way intended to denote any affiliation with their corresponding owners.