This page is designed to answer some basic "HOW TO" questions on removing and replacing Audi control arms. It contains information on what an Audi mechanic will be doing during an Audi control arm maintenance job.
Blauparts Audi control arm replacement information is not designed to be an instruction sheet. This is an overview on removing and replacing Audi control arms and was designed to help our customers grasp what's involved and helps owners to better communication with the mechanic during the Audi control arm service job. The below Audi control arm replacement info will differ depending on vehicle application and which Audi control arms are being replaced.
Replacing Audi control arms one by one can cost more in the long run. You'll save on installation costs when replacing all your Audi control arms at once. If some of the control arms are on their way out, the others aren't far behind. It can be frustrating to replace a few Audi control arms only to find yourself back at the mechanic complaining of another squeaky control arm.
Replacing any suspension components on your automobile without having proper knowledge, mechanical ability or the proper tools and safety equipment, can cause severe injury, damage, or death. Blauparts recommends that you have an A.S.E. Certified Audi Technician install your parts to ensure safety. Always wear safety glasses and other safety items when performing automotive service work.
ALWAYS: Refer to the factory manual for proper safety instructions, precautions, and proper installation of the components. NOTE: The guidelines below are not intended to replace the instructions as outlined in the Factory Bentley Manual. If you do not have the Factory Bentley Manual, we recommend that you purchase one before beginning your installation project.
Estimated Time To Replace & Install Audi Control Arms
Below HOW TO steps 1-10 will take approximately 3.0 to 4.5 hours per side.
Overview Of How To Remove And Install Audi Control Arms
This information is not intended to replace the factory manual. Please refer to the factory manual for detailed instructions
Loosen the upper control arm ball joints from the top of the wheel bearing housing. Be careful, the long bolt that secures the upper control arm ball joints to the wheel bearing housing is sometimes difficult to remove.
Remove the sway bar link which is attached to the front lower control arm.
Loosen the upper control arm mounting plate. This is done by removing the 3 bolts in the engine compartment that secure the upper control arm mounting plate to the body of the car. Note: The top of the Audi shock tower also secures to the control arm mounting plate.
Remove the lower shock bolt from the front lower control arm.
From the wheel well area pull out the upper control arm plate far enough away from the body of the car to allow room for the removal of both forward and aft (rear) control arm bolts. Loosen the inner control arm bolts.
Remove the lower control arms from the lower portion of the wheel bearing housing. The lower control arm ball joints have tapered shafts, as a result of this design they are wedged tight in the wheel bearing housing. Special tools are recommended to separate the control arm ball joint shafts from the wheel bearing housing to prevent damaging the ball joint boots on the control arms. Note: If the control arm ball joint boots are damaged, we have a control arm ball joint boot repair kit.
Remove the tie rod end bolts and loosen the tie rod end from the wheel bearing housing.
Remove the drive axle bolt and brake caliper from the wheel bearing housing.
Remove both forward (front) and aft (rear) lower control arm bolts from the sub frame.
To reassemble you will be repeating step 9-1 in reverse.
When Audi control arm installation is finished a complete wheel alignment is necessary!
In the event of Audi control arm failure, look to the nation's leading Audi control arm specialist for the solution. Get the job done right the first time by replacing all your Audi control arms, tie rod ends, sway bar links, and hardware with our complete Official O.E. Ocap BLAU Control Arm Replacement Kits.