This article will provide the necessary steps on how to change the VW Touareg transmission fluid on 2011-2017 8-speed automatic transmission applications. This transmission type is also referenced as the 08C transmission, which is the first three letters of the transmissions part number. As well as the Aisin TR-80SD or TR-82SD transmission.
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Step-by-Step VW Touareg Transmission Fluid Change Instructions
These how-to automatic transmission fluid change procedures apply to VW Touareg models as listed below.
- 2011-2017 VW Touareg Automatic Transmission Fluid Filter Change (8-Spd 08C Aisin TR-80SD and TR-82SD)
VW Touareg Transmission Fluid (ATF) Change Intervals
Changing your VW automatic transmission fluid is important and helps extend the life of your transmission. VW Touareg automatic transmission fluid should be changed every 50,000 miles - 60,000 miles. Those with an aggressive driving style, constant extreme heat, heavy city traffic, trailer pulling, or other severe driving conditions may want to replace the VW Touareg transmission fluid sooner.
What Type of Transmission Fluid Does the VW Touareg Use?
- VW G 055 540 A2 is required for the 8-speed VW Touareg transmission
What Is the Transmission Fluid Fill Capacity of the VW Touareg?
See Step 20 for details. The VW Touareg transmission fluid capacity is as follows:
- ATF Dry Fill Capacity: 10.4 - 12.8 liters
- ATF Drain and Filter Change Capacity: 7.5 - 9.0 liters, Variable fluid level depending on fluid temp and leveling sequence.
- ATF Drain and Refill Capacity: 5.0 - 6.0 liters
VW Touareg Transmission Fluid and Filter Change Parts Needed
- 9 Liters of ATF part number VW G 055 540 A2 are required for the 8-speed VW Touareg transmission
- Both Eurol ATF 7400 and Ravenol T-WS meet this required spec
- 1 VW Touareg Transmission Pan Gasket and Spacers
- 1 VW Touareg Transmission Filter
- 1 VW Touareg Transmission Filter to V-body Sealing O-ring
- 1 VW Touareg Transmission Drain and Fill Plug Sealing Washer
VW Touareg Transmission Fluid Change Tools Needed
- Cost-effective fluid filling tool option J91003-1 (Sold Separately)
- Comprehensive fluid filling tool option T2A0152 with adapter T2A0108 (Sold Separately)
- T-25 Torx bit socket for under engine protective plash pan
- 10mm socket for transmission pan, transmission filter, and under-engine protective splash pan components.
- 10mm swivel socket or swivel extension for the front side of transmission pan mounting bolts
- Waste Oil Drain Pan Container
- Nitrile safety gloves to minimize exposure to oils
- Infrared thermometer or OBD2 diagnostic software to monitor the transmission temperature.
Disclaimer: Blauparts recommend having a factory-trained A.S.E. certified Audi mechanic perform vehicle maintenance. Always refer to the owner's manual and factory service manual for VW Touareg transmission fluid and filter change procedures. Always wear protective gloves and wear safety glasses when handling fluids and oils.
Important Notes: Before the beginning of transmission fluid and filter service, confirm the ATF temperature is below 30°C. If necessary, allow the transmission and transmission fluid to cool below 30°C. When performing transmission maintenance, cleanliness is of great importance. Always use lint-free rags and cover transmission components when removed from the transmission.
Transmission Fluid Change Kit Product Overview Video
How To Step 1
Lift the vehicle using an approved automotive hoist or a floor jack and jack stands so that the vehicle is in a perfectly level position. To confirm you are lifting the vehicle correctly reference your factory owner’s manual for the proper vehicle lift point locations and procedures. The vehicle needs to be in a level position to confirm the correct transmission fluid level when refilling. If the vehicle is not level this can cause the automatic transmission fluid level to be incorrect and could cause transmission damage.
Important Note: Lifting the VW Touareg with a floor jack, jack stands, or by an approved automotive hoist isn't necessarily required when changing the ATF and transmission filter. The VW Touareg should have enough ground clearance to access and remove the lower protective splash pan and gain access to the transmission components. If you do desire to lift the vehicle for more working area under the vehicle, please proceed as follows. Confirm you are using an approved automotive lift or jack stand. Confirm you are lifting the vehicle correctly by referencing your factory owner’s manual for the proper vehicle lift point locations and procedures.
How To Step 2
Remove the under-engine protective splash pan and place it off to the side. Keep in mind this is a 2-piece splash pan. First, locate and remove all T-25 Torx bit splash pan mounting screws. Next, begin to remove the 10mm splash pan mounting bolts leaving one or two bolts hand threaded on the rear area of the splash pan. These last one or two mounting bolts remaining will allow you to support the pans with one hand and then hand loosen the last one or two bolts by hand minimizing the splash pan from falling on you.
It's also good to remove the rear portion of the splash pan and then the front splash pan. The front portion of the two-piece pan can be tipped down and then pulled back from the front of the vehicle for the easiest removal.
How To Step 3
Locate and remove the under-engine protective splash pan mounting bracket. This is held in place by three 10mm bolts. The mounting bracket is a two-piece unit to allow for easy removal.
How To Step 4
Locate, loosen, and remove the VW Touareg transmission pan drain plug allowing the ATF to drain into a suitable waste oil drain pan. This is a 5mm hex Allen bit drain plug.
How To Step 5
Once the VW Touareg transmission pan drain plug has been removed and the first portion of the ATF has drained, locate the plastic drain plug fluid level insert. This is recessed up inside the transmission pan drain plug port. The drain plug level insert is also a 5mm hex Allen bit. As you're removing the drain plug level insert you will allow the remaining VW Touareg ATF to drain from the transmission pan into a suitable waste oil drain pan. Once the fluid has drained, reinstall the fluid level insert hand tight. Also, reinstall the drain plug and sealing washer hand tight. This will minimize fluid spillage during pan removal and cleaning.
How To Step 6
Remove the transmission pan. This is held in place by 10mm hex head bolts. The VW Touareg transmission pan mounting bolts on the front side of the pan might require a swivel head extension or socket to ease access. Begin by loosening all the transmission pan bolts. Once all the bolts are loose, remove all the bolts except two at opposite ends of the transmission pan. Lastly, remove the two bolts left while supporting the pan. In most cases, there will be a small amount of VW Touareg transmission fluid still in the pan. Lower the transmission pan and drain the remaining ATF into a suitable waste oil drain pan.
How To Step 7
Remove the old VW Touareg transmission filter. This is held in place by four 10mm hex head bolts. Also, confirm that the old transmission filter to valve body sealing O-ring is removed along with the filter.
How To Step 8
With a lint-free rag clean the VW Touareg transmission filter to the valve body O-ring mating area.
How To Step 9
Install the new VW Touareg transmission filter. Confirm the new transmission filter to valve body O-ring is installed on the new transmission filter. Apply a small amount of VW Touareg ATF to the new sealing O-ring to allow the O-ring to seat and mate properly to the valve body. The four 10mm hex head bolts for the transmission filter can be torqued to 7 ft-lbs.
How To Step 10
Remove the old rubber transmission pan gasket from the transmission pan.
How To Step 11
Clean the transmission pan and transmission pan magnets of all dirty ATF and sediment. The magnets are in the transmission pan. Always note the transmission pan magnet locations and return them to the original location after they have been cleaned. This is best done with lint-free rags, a parts washer, or brake cleaner.
How To Step 12
Clean the VW Touareg transmission pan gasket mating surfaces on both the transmission side and the pan side. Make sure to remove all old gasket material and corrosive buildup. Be careful not to dirty any of the transmission internals and only use lint-free rags.
How To Step 13
On a clean bench top insert the transmission pan gasket spacers into the gasket.
How To Step 14
Install the VW Touareg transmission pan gasket onto the transmission pan, closely aligning the mounting holes.
How To Step 15
Reinstall the transmission pan and gasket onto the transmission. Align the transmission pan mounting holes and install the eleven 10mm mount bolts. First, tighten the mounting bolts evenly to a hand tight torque. Next evenly tighten the transmission pan from one side of the transmission pan to the other, torquing the bolts to 7 ft. Lbs.
How To Step 16
Confirm that the plastic transmission fluid level insert is installed back into the transmission pan. Leave the insert snug and do not over tighten as this is made of plastic.
How To Step 17
Hand tighten the fill adapter onto the VW Touareg transmission pan fill/drain plug port. Once the fill adapter is installed, slide the fill hose onto the adapter.
See Related Items:
- Transmission Fluid Pump and Fill Adapter Tool (J91003-1 Cost Effective Version)
- Transmission Fluid Pressure Filling Transfer Tank and Adapter Tool (T2A0152 and T2A0108)
How To Step 18
Begin filling the transmission with the VW Touareg transmission fluid.
Adapt the fill hose from the pump to the transmission adapter. Allow around 6 - 7 liters of ATF to be pumped into the transmission. As fluid is being fed into the transmission start the vehicle. With the brakes applied, shift/select through all the gears of the transmission while the engine is idling. Allow 5 seconds for each gear selection. This will allow some of the air trapped in the transmission to escape. While the engine is in park and idling, continue to feed the remaining 2 liters of ATF into the transmission. With the engine still at idle remove the fill adapter and install the drain plug snug enough to stop it from leaking.
How To Step 19
With the engine at idle, the VW Touareg transmission fluid level will need to be measured at a desired operating temperature. Plug the Ross-Tech diagnostic software into the OBD2 port and begin to monitor the transmission fluid temperature.
Using the Ross-Tech diagnostic software access the transmission control module as follows:
- (1st) Select Control Module
- (2nd) 02-Auto Trans Control Module
- (3rd) Measuring Blocks – 08
- (4th) Group 006
Displaying group 006 in field 1 will allow for an accurate ATF temperature reading.
Important Note: Some have chosen to use a cost-effective infrared thermometer instead of specialty diagnostic software to read the transmission temperature. An infrared thermometer will allow for a general internal transmission fluid temperature. Generally, within a few degrees of accuracy.
How To Step 20
With the vehicle level and the engine at idle, allow the VW Touareg transmission fluid and transmission temperature to warm between 35°C - 45C° (95°F - 113°F). At this temperature range, a little transmission fluid should begin to flow out from the fill port level insert. When this happens, the proper ATF level has been achieved, and re-insert the transmission drain plug and sealing washer. If an excessive amount of fluid is draining from the transmission this is ok. Allow the excess ATF to drain from the fill port until a small amount of fluid is flowing or dripping from the fill port.
Do not allow the transmission temperature to exceed 45C° (113°F). If the transmission temperature exceeds 45C° (113°F) the fluid has expanded too much and will not allow for an accurate level reading. Confirm the transmission fluid drain plug and sealing washer are installed, turn the engine off and allow the transmission to cool to below 30°C. Begin the worm up-leveling procedure again once the transmission temperature is below 30°C.
VW Touareg Transmission Fluid Capacity:
- Service fill of 7.5 - 9.0 liters (Transmission pan removal and filter change. Depending on transmission temperature.)
- Initial dry fill of 12 liters (No transmission fluid in the torque converter, transmission cooler lines, or transmission cooler.)
- We supply 9 liters of VW Touareg ATF to ensure all customers have an adequate amount of ATF on hand while servicing their transmission. Typically draining the transmission fluid, lowering the transmission pan, and replacing the transmission filter will allow around 7.5 - 9.0 liters to drain from the transmission. The remaining 5 - 6 liters are in the torque converter, transmission cooler lines, and transmission cooler. Some customers allow a longer duration (siting overnight) to pass while changing the transmission filter and ATF. At times this allows another 1 liter or so to drain from random internal areas of the transmission. Others choose to drain the ATF during excessive transmission temperatures, loosen transmission cooler lines to remove more ATF from the transmission cooler-related areas, and other alternative techniques. Our kit contains 9 liters of ATF for all average ATF fluid and filter change situations. This provides most customers an adequate amount of ATF while filling and fluid level checking the transmission.
- If you desire a more thorough VW Touareg ATF flush, we recommend driving the vehicle for 5-10 minutes and then performing a 2nd ATF drain, fill, and ATF leveling procedure with another 6 liters of ATF. This should allow the majority of harshly contaminated ATF to be removed from the transmission.
How To Step 21
Once you have confirmed the correct VW Touareg ATF fluid level reinstall the transmission drain plug and sealing washer. Torque the 5mm hex bit Allen drain plug to 12 ft. Lbs.
How To Step 22
Reinstall the under-engine protective splash pan mounting bracket. This is held in place by three 10 bolts. The mounting bracket is a two-piece unit to allow for easy removal. Torque the three mounting bolts to 7 ft-lbs.
How To Step 23
After confirming you don’t have any transmission leaks reinstall the under-engine protective splash pan. First, line up and mount the front side of the splash pan leaving the rear mounting hardware off. Install the rear section of the slash pan by mounting the rear of it first and then lastly tipping up both splash pan pieces to the center, installing the mounting hardware. (T-25 Torx bit screws and 10mm hex head mounting bolts.)
How To Step 24
If you did lift the vehicle with an approved automotive hoist or floor jack and jack stands you can lower the vehicle as highlighted and referenced in your factory owner’s manual. Confirm the correct vehicle lift point locations and procedures as highlighted in your factory owner's manual.
How To Step 25
Dispose of your old VW Touareg ATF responsibly by taking it to a certified recycling collection center.
Note in your records the current mileage at the time of ATF change, as well as, when you might want to change it next. We also recommend keeping detailed service records to keep track of your vehicle's true condition. Keeping good vehicle maintenance records can also help improve your vehicle resale value.
Copyright © Blau®, Blauparts® LLC. All rights reserved. The content (text, images, etc.) in this blog article is the exclusive property of Blauparts LLC and its subsidiaries and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without our express written consent. Read our copyright and trademark policy by clicking on our “Terms of Use” link below.
The adapter threads to the transmission pan fill plug and in combination can pump ATF into Audi VW Porsche 09G, 09M, 09P, and 0C8 Aisin transmissions.
The ATF fluid level is correct when the flow of ATF coming from the drain/fill port comes to a small stream or drip. Then reinstall the drain plug and torque it to spec. The correct sequence to get to this point is highlighted below. If your only changing the ATF and not the transmission filter you will use about 2-3 liters less for this process.
Proper VW Touareg transmission filter replacement and ATF filling and leveling sequence:
- Confirm drain plug fluid level insert is re-installed into the drain fill port in the transmission pan. Confirm its not missing (Shown in step 5).
- Adapt the fill hose and fill adapter to the transmission drain/fill port.
- Allow around 6 - 7 liters of ATF to be pumped into the transmission.
- As fluid is being fed into the transmission start the vehicle.
- With the brakes applied, shift/select through all the gears of the transmission while the engine is idling. Allow 5 seconds for each gear selection. This will allow some of the air trapped in the transmission to escape or be burped from the system.
- While the engine is in park and idling, continue to feed the remaining 2 liters of ATF into the transmission.
- With the engine still at idle remove the fill adapter and install the drain plug snog enough to stop it from leaking.
With the vehicle level, bring the transmission fluid temperature to warm between 35°C - 45C° (95°F-113°F). At this temperature range, you can remove the transmission drain plug and transmission fluid should begin to flow out from the fill port level insert. The ATF fluid level is correct when the transmission fluid transitions from a consistent stream into its very first light stream to drip between the fluid temps of 35°C - 45C° (95°F-113°F).
Side Note: Do not allow the transmission temperature to exceed 45C° (113°F). Reinstall the drain plug before the transmission fluid temperature exceeds 45C° (113°F).
Side Note: If no fluid drips from the fill port between the temperatures of 35°C - 45C° (95°F-113°F), proper level has not been achieved. Reinstall the drain plug, turn off the engine, and allow the transmission to cool to below 30°C (86°F). Repeat the transmission fluid level process as mentioned above.
Also, many individuals and automotive service facilities choose to drain the ATF into a measuring pan and will only pump the same amount of ATF back into the transmission as was removed. This is not the correct filling process and will yield an incorrect general fluid level. This would be considered an improper service. We encourage all to use the recommend transmission fluid temperature leveling sequence. Bringing the ATF along with the transmission up to operating temperature together from cold allows the ATF and the transmission materials to expand together allowing for the viscosity of the ATF and transmission to reflect true operating conditions. This allows for the most reliable, best performance of the transmission, and its intended shifting characteristics. A general ATF level done by the measurement from the ATF drained and then pumped back in to the transmission can result in improper shift points and even jamming.
If you do not have a Ross-Tech diagnostic software available to you for reading the internal transmission fluid temperature you can use any diagnostic software that can access and read the internal transmission fluid temperature. The most accurate transmission fluid level and temperature reading is achieved using diagnostic software.
However, if you do not have diagnostic software, you may wish to use other options to read the transmission fluid temperature. One alternative is an infrared thermometer. Typically, an infrared thermometer reads within a 4° to 5° degree difference when compared to diagnostic software which measure the true internal transmission fluid temperature. Thus, an infrared thermometer can be a reliable temperature source when performing the transmission fluid leveling sequence. If an infrared thermometer is used it is best to allow the fluid temperature and level reading to be more towards the low side of the temperature window of 35°C - 45C° (95°F –113°F). For example, a 34°C reading will be closer to a 38-39°C internal fluid temperature reading.
Regarding when your Touareg transmission filter should be replaced. We recommend replacing the transmission filter every 80,000-90,000 miles. If the vehicle is driven in more stop and go city driving the fluid and filter could be replacement more frequently such as every 50,000-70,000 miles. Typically, a vehicle driven in city stop and go traffic will result in more transmission wear and should have more frequent fluid and filter changes. A vehicle that is used consistently at highway speeds where less shifting is done will result in less transmission wear and will need less frequent ATF fluid and transmission filter changes.
I hope these answers some of your questions. I know this might seem like a challenging ATF fluid change. But using the correct techniques will result in the best transmission performance and longevity. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to let us know.