Volkswagen 09S 8-Speed Transmission ATF Change DIY

This blog article will provide the necessary steps and helpful info when changing the automatic transmission fluid on the 2019-2024 Mk7 VW Jetta, 2019-2021 Mk7 VW Golf, and 2022-2024 VW Taos models with the Aisin 09S 8-speed automatic transmission. We also briefly discuss the correct VW 09S transmission fluid specifications, ATF fill capacities, ATF change intervals, and why changing your VW 8-speed 09S transmission fluid is so important.

Mk7 VW Jetta 8-Speed Transmission Fluid Change Info

This procedure is demonstrated on a 2019 Volkswagen Jetta with an 8-speed automatic transmission.

However, these VW Jetta transmission fluid procedures also apply to the following VW models:

  • 2019 - 2021 VW Golf Hatchback 1.4T with 8-Speed Auto Transmission
  • 2019 VW Golf SportWagen 1.4T with 8-Speed Auto Transmission
  • 2022 - 2024 VW Taos 1.5T with 8-Speed Auto Transmission (Excludes 4Motion AWD Models)

This 8-speed automatic transmission was manufactured by Aisin and was used in other VW models. The Aisin 09S 8-speed transmission was also used in VW Golf, Golf SportWagen, and Taos 2WD models. Depending on the exact model you're doing this service on, visual differences may exist around the transmission area. However, the general steps and procedures for changing the transmission fluid and the fluid filling and leveling process will still apply to these other models with the Aisin 8-speed 09S transmission.

Mk7 VW Jetta 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Fluid Change Interval

How often should the VW Jetta 09S transmission fluid be changed? The recommended service interval for changing the VW Jetta transmission fluid on 8-speed 09S transmissions is every 60,000 miles. Those with an aggressive driving style, constant extreme heat, heavy city traffic, trailer pulling, or other severe driving conditions may want to replace the 8-speed 09S transmission fluid sooner or more frequently, such as every 40,000 to 50,000 miles.

Why Should Mk7 VW Jetta 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Fluid Be Changed?

Why change your Mk7 VW Jetta 8-speed ATF? Your transmission has hundreds of moving components. Over time these internal components mesh with one another, begin to wear, and create fine metallic particles. These fine metallic particles contaminate your vehicle's transmission fluid and plug the transmission filter. This contamination affects your transmission efficiency and long-term performance, causing more friction and wear on transmission components. Having a regular Volkswagen Jetta transmission fluid service interval will easily extend your transmission life. With clean ATF, you will be providing clean lubrication for your transmission. This critical maintenance interval will support a long-lasting well-lubricated, protected transmission, minimizing the chances of costly transmission repairs and problems.

VW 8-Speed 09S ATF Type & Specifications

  • Recommended VW Jetta, Golf, & Taos transmission fluid type compatible with VW 8-speed 09S transmission requires the G 053 001 A2 specification.
  • Ravenol T-ULV ATF fluid meets or exceeds the required VW G 053 001 A2 transmission fluid part number as well as the superseded VW G 060 540 A2 part number needed for the Aisin 8-speed 09S automatic transmission.

VW 8-Speed 09S Automatic Transmission Fluid Capacity

  • 2019-2024 VW Jetta transmission fluid dry fill capacity is 6.6 quarts (6.3 liters)
  • 2019-2024 VW Jetta transmission fluid change capacity is 2.85 quarts (2.7 liters)

Why consider multiple fluid changes in short succession? The total dry transmission fluid fill capacity for the 8-speed 09S transmission is 6.3 liters. However, due to the transmission design, only about 2.7 liters will drain from the transmission when draining. Around 3.6 liters will be remaining in the transmission torque converter and other related transmission components which can be difficult to service. Our current understanding is that a reasonable way to flush the remaining old fluid out of the torque converter is by performing multiple fluid changes in short succession. If you desire to perform this thorough ATF fluid change strategy, we recommend adding an additional 3-4 liters of T-ULV ATF to your cart for each additional flush you plan to perform.

Tools Needed for VW 8-Speed 09S Automatic Transmission Fluid Change

  • 17-millimeter and 8-millimeter hex bit and wrench
  • T-40 Torx bit socket and ratchet
  • Torque wrench
  • Transmission fluid fill pump tool
  • Protective rubber gloves
  • (Strongly Recommended) Diagnostic scan tool for measuring transmission fluid temperature

BLAU VW 8-Speed 09S Automatic Transmission Fluid Change Kits

Our BLAU transmission fluid change kits include everything necessary for this transmission fluid change. Kits include the correct amount of premium fully synthetic RAVENOL ATF that meets the required VW 09S 8-speed transmission fluid specifications along with new transmission drain and fill plug O-rings.

  • 4 liters of German RAVENOL T-ULV transmission fluid (ATF) based on premium PAO (Polyalphaolefin) and Ester synthetic oils. Meets or exceeds the required VW transmission fluid specification part number G 053 001 A2 and the superseded G 060 540 A2 part number for the VW 8-speed 09S automatic transmission. Adequate quantity of fluid for a fluid drain and fill.
  • 1 transmission drain plug sealing O-ring
  • 1 transmission level fill plug sealing O-ring

Why do we choose not to provide a transmission filter or pan gasket in this kit? The transmission design used in these vehicles has a non-serviceable internal filter which CAN NOT be easily accessed or replaced from the transmission pan area. This is considered a non-serviceable internal filter, transmission removal, and case split are required for a filter change and are for master transmission service technicians only.

Why do we include 4 liters of transmission fluid in our kit? Our ATF change kits are for all average transmission fluid drain and fill situations. We choose to include an extra 1 liter of ATF to ensure you have enough ATF on hand due to unknown scenarios such as accidental spillage or the ability to perform more than one fluid temperature overflow leveling sequence. This will minimize the chance of you not typically having enough transmission fluid on hand to complete the service.

  1. VW Jetta Transmission Fluid Change Kit - 2019-24 - 8 Speed - Ravenol
    VW Jetta Transmission Fluid Change Kit - 2019-24 - 8 Spd - Ravenol
  2. 2022 2023 2021 VW Taos Transmission Fluid Change Kit 8 Speed 2 Wheel Drive - Ravenol
    VW Taos Transmission Fluid Change Kit - 2022-24 - 8 Spd 2WD - Ravenol
  3. 2019 2020 2021 VW Golf Transmission Fluid Change Kit 8 Speed 09S Blau Kit
    VW Golf Transmission Fluid Change Kit - 2019-21 - 8 Spd - Ravenol
  4. VW Transmission Fluid Fill Adapter Pump Tool 09S 8-Speed BLAU Brand
    VW Transmission Fluid Fill Adapter Pump Tool 09S 8-Speed

Disclaimer: Blauparts recommends having a factory-trained A.S.E. certified VW mechanic perform vehicle maintenance. Always refer to the owner's and factory service manuals for VW automatic transmission fluid changing procedures. Always wear protective gloves and safety glasses when handling fluids and oils.

VW Transmission Fluid Change Video - Jetta Taos Golf 09S 8 Speed

Step-by-Step VW Transmission Fluid Change Instructions - 09S 8-Speed

How To Step 1

Begin by confirming that the transmission fluid temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius or 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If the transmission fluid temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius, allow the transmission to cool before starting your fluid change. We also suggest all Volkswagen 09S 8-speed transmission fluid changes be performed when the ambient temperature is below 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

To monitor the transmission fluid temperature, we’re using a diagnostic scan tool to access the transmission control module and confirm that the transmission fluid temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius.

If the transmission fluid temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius when starting the fluid change, or the ambient temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit you will likely run out of time later when performing the remaining transmission fluid filling and level procedure steps by exceeding the 45-degree Celsius maximum fluid level temperature limit causing an incorrect fluid level.

VW 09S 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Temperature Scanning ToolVW 09S 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Temperature Scanning Tool

How To Step 2

To properly perform the VW 09S 8-speed transmission fluid change, the vehicle will need to be elevated off the ground, with the transmission in a LEVEL position. We recommend raising the vehicle using an SAE-approved automotive lift. This is required to access the bottom of the transmission and perform the correct fluid filling and leveling procedure steps.

To confirm you're lifting the vehicle correctly you can reference your factory owner’s manual for the proper vehicle lift point locations and safety procedures.

How To Step 3

Remove the splash pan. This is held in place with eight T-25 screws, one on the front side of the pan, three on the driver's side, and four on the passenger side. Last, remove three T-45 bolts on the rear side of the splash pan. As you remove the last bolt support the rear of the splash pan. While supporting the splash pan release the two locking tabs located on the front side of the pan. At the same time, pull and remove the splash pan to the rear of the vehicle.

How To Step 4

Locate and loosen the transmission fluid fill plug. This is the small internal drain plug found next to the transmission mount bracket. Using a T-40 torx bit, loosen, and remove the fill plug in a counterclockwise direction. As you remove the fill plug, allow the fluid to drain into a suitable waste oil drain pan. During this step around 6-8 oz of ATF will drain from the transmission.

Volkswagen 09S 8-Speed Transmission Drain Plug LocationVolkswagen 09S 8-Speed Transmission Drain Plug Location

How To Step 5

Using a 17-millimeter Hex bit, loosen and remove the drain plug in a counterclockwise direction allowing the old transmission fluid to drain into a suitable drain pan. Around 80 oz or 2.4 liters of ATF will drain from the transmission at this time.

How to Drain Old ATF From VW 8-Speed 09S Automatic TransmissionHow to Drain Old ATF From VW 8-Speed 09S Automatic Transmission

How To Step 6

Using a rag, clean the drain plugs from any debris and contaminants. Using a small flathead screwdriver, remove your old drain plug O-rings. Install the newly supplied O-rings, confirming they are seated correctly as originally oriented at the base of the drain plug.

How To Step 7

Once you've confirmed the transmission fluid is done draining you can lightly lubricate the new drain plug O-ring with transmission fluid and install the drain plug by threading it in a clockwise direction. Using a 17-millimeter Hex bit and toque wrench tighten the drain plug. In our case, we’re tightening it to a 35ft lb. torque specification. 

How To Step 8

Thread our BLAU 09S transmission fluid filling adapter tool into the drain plug. Tighten to a hand-tight feel to prevent a leak. 

VW 8-Speed 09S Automatic Transmission Fill Adaptor ToolVW 8-Speed 09S Automatic Transmission Fill Adaptor Tool

How To Step 9

Attach the BLAU fluid transfer hand pump to the RAVENOL bottle.

See our related video on how to use the fluid transfer hand pump.

How To Step 10

With the vehicle elevated and the transmission in a level position, begin filling the transmission with a fluid that meets the recommended G 053 001 A2 automatic transmission fluid part number specification. Continue filling the transmission with 3.0 liters of ATF. Confirm each bottle is completely emptied by lifting the bottom side of the bottle while pumping.

How to Pump New ATF Fluid Into VW Jetta 8-Speed Automatic TransmissionHow to Pump New ATF Fluid Into VW Jetta 8-Speed Automatic Transmission

How To Step 11

With the transmission fill adapter, hose, and pump still attached to the transmission and the vehicle still elevated in a level position with all four wheels off the ground, start the vehicle and allow the engine to idle. This will allow the transmission to pump the new fluid you just added and distribute it within the transmission. 

How To Step 12

While the engine is idling and with the brake pedal applied, shift the transmission through each gear selection for about 3-5 seconds, from park to reverse, neutral, dive, back to neutral, reverse, and back into park. The shifting sequence you have just performed helps remove any air in the transmission fluid system. To ensure all air was removed we performed this shifting sequence two times.

How To Step 13

With the engine still idling, quickly remove the fill adapter tool, and install the small fill plug into the drain plug. Tighten to a hand-tight feel to prevent a leak.

How To Step 14

VW 09S Transmission Fluid Leveling Sequence

With the engine still idling and the vehicle elevated with the transmission in a level position prepare for the final steps in checking and confirming that the transmission fluid level is correct.

Important fluid temperature notes:

  • Using your diagnostic scan tool. Start by making sure the transmission fluid temperature is in the correct range between 35°C to 45°C
  • If the temperature is over 45°C, we would advise you to shut off the engine and let the transmission cool down to below 35°C before proceeding
  • The lower temperature will allow you enough time to perform the next fluid leveling steps
  • Remember, the transmission fluid temperature should not exceed 45°C at any time while you are performing the final transmission fluid level check
  • Exceeding 45°C will result in an incorrect transmission fluid level

With the engine idling, begin monitoring the transmission temperature:

Scenario 1

  • When the fluid is in the 35°C to 45°C temperature range, remove the fill plug and allow the excess fluid to drain
  • The transmission fluid level is correct when a steady stream of fluid flowing from the fill port transitions to a light trickling stream between 35°C to 45°C
  • Once this is observed, the fluid level is correct, and you can reinstall the fill plug, tightening it in a clockwise direction using a T-40 torx bit socket and a torque wrench. In our case, we’re tightening it to a 4 ft-lbs. torque specification. 
VW 8-Speed 09S Transmission Correct Fluid LevelVW 8-Speed 09S Transmission Correct Fluid Level

Scenario 2 - If NO FLUID was flowing out of the fill port when you remove the fill plug, you would need to pump more fluid into the transmission until you experience a light trickling stream coming out of the fill port between the 35°C - 45°C (95°F – 113°F) degree temperature window. Once this fluid leveling scenario is observed, the fluid level is correct, and you can now reinstall the fill plug.

Scenario 3 - If a HEAVY stream of fluid flows out from the transmission fluid fill port hole within the 35°C - 45°C or 95°F – 113°F degree window, then the transmission fluid level is over full. Allow the excess fluid to drain out until the fluid transitions from a steady flow to a light trickling stream. Once this fluid leveling scenario is observed, the fluid level is correct, and you can now reinstall the fill plug.

Remember, the transmission fluid temperature should not exceed 45°C at any time while you are performing the final transmission fluid level check. Exceeding 45°C will result in too much fluid draining from the transmission and an incorrect transmission fluid level. Quickly re-install the fill plug before the 45°C fluid temperature is exceeded.

How To Step 15

Turn off the engine and disconnect your diagnostic scan tool. Allow the transmission to cool. Once this is confirmed, use a rag to clean any excess fluid from around the transmission drain plug areas. This will later help confirm that you have no leaks after performing a test drive.

How To Step 16

Reinstall the splash pan. First, line up and slide the front tabs of the pan in place. Begin by hand tightening the three T-45 bolts at the rear of the pan. Next, install the remaining eight T-25 screws on the sides and front of the splash pan. Last, evenly tighten all splash pan mounting hardware.

How To Step 17

Remove the vehicle from the approved automotive lift or jack stands using factory lift points and procedures. To confirm you're lifting the vehicle correctly, you can reference the factory owner's manual for the proper vehicle lift point locations and safety procedures.

How To Step 18

Dispose of the old ATF fluid responsibly by taking it to a certified recycling collection center.

How To Change Ram DSG Fluid Step 37

Note: It is good to note in your records the current mileage at the time of your transmission fluid change and when you might want to change it next. We also recommend that you keep detailed service records to track your vehicle's condition. Keeping good vehicle maintenance records can help improve your vehicle's resale value.

Why Choose Blauparts for All Your Vehicle Lubrication Needs?

BLAU® transmission fluid change kits use high-quality, synthetic* transmission fluids. Our fluids are sourced from lubricant partners that employ sustainable efforts to improve the environment using a higher level of quality. This in turn can support the conservation of the environment through less transmission fluid changes and waste, optimize vehicle efficiency and performance, improve and maintain fuel economy, reduce exhaust/carbon emissions, and improve performance through reduced coefficient of friction and less driveline rolling resistance.

*For most kits, check the product description.

  • Convenient BLAU® ATF change kits include the correct spec, oil quantities, and OEM quality transmission filter for your specific vehicle make and model
  • ATFs that meet or exceed your vehicle manufacturer's specific transmission fluid specification requirements
  • Better transmission performance, less transmission slip, improved torque, and precise shifting efficiency
  • Sustainable ATFs that conserve the environment, improve fuel economy, and reduce exhaust/carbon emissions through improved transmission operation
  • Higher quality ATFs allow for longer change intervals and extended service lives, conserving the Earth's resources
  • Higher quality ATFs with advanced fluid technologies provide improved lubricating properties for less transmission wear and longer life
  • High-performance ATF with better shear load and flow performance properties
  • ATFs with better cold temperature pour points and high heat flashpoints providing protection in all conditions
  • ATFs with high, stable viscosity index reduces coefficient of friction inside the transmission
  • ATFs with high thermal oxidative stability with excellent cooling capacity for better transmission performance and less wear
  • ATFs with lower cold temperature pour points and high heat flashpoints provide transmission wear protection in all climate conditions
  • Long-life OEM ATF filters for extended fluid change intervals