This article will provide the necessary steps and information on how to change the engine oil and oil filter on a 2013-2016 Porsche Cayenne 3.0L diesel engine? We will also provide information to the following questions. What type of engine oil should be used in the 3.0L diesel engine. We will also discuss what are the necessary tools needed for changing the engine oil and filter, what is the Porsche Cayenne 3.0L engine oil fill capacity, and what is the correct oil quality specification required for this service.
Step-by-Step Porsche Cayenne Diesel Oil Change Instructions
Although this is demonstrated on a 2014 Audi Q7 3.0L TDI, the procedures also apply to the following Porsche Cayenne:
- 2013-2014 Porsche Cayenne 3.0L Diesel Oil and Filter Change (7.3-liter capacity using MMI computer system oil level)
- 2015-2016 Porsche Cayenne 3.0L Diesel Oil and Filter Change (7.7-liter capacity using MMI computer system oil level)
Porsche Cayenne 3.0L Diesel Oil Change Parts Needed
- 9 Liters of RAVENOL or Eurol Motor Oil - Porsche motor oil quality standard C30 required for 3.0L diesel engines. (See above vehicle application and oil capacity.)
- 1 Mahle Porsche Cayenne Diesel Oil Filter
- 1 Porsche Cayenne Diesel Oil Pan Drain Plug (Optional)
- 1 Porsche Cayenne Diesel Oil Pan Drain Plug Sealing Washer
Engine Oil Quantity Note: The 3.0L TDI diesel engine was shared between several Audi, VW, and Porsche models. The engine oil capacity for these vehicles is between 6.4 liters and 8.3 liters depending on the exact model. Our 3.0L TDI oil change kits were originally shelved as one kit to cover all Audi, VW, and Porsche oil change applications. Currently, the 9 liters provided in the kit allow for some extra oil. Most customers find this convenient for topping the engine oil between the factory's intended 10,000 miles or once a year oil change interval and confirming that mixed oil brands and types are not used when topping off the engine oil.
Porsche Cayenne 3.0L Diesel Oil Change Tools Needed
- T-25 Torx bit socket for under engine protective plash pan
- 10mm shallow socket for under engine protective plash pan
- 6mm hex bit socket for engine oil drain plug
- 32mm socket for the oil filter housing
- 19mm wrench for oil pan drain plugs
- Assorted Rachet wrenches and extensions to accompany the above sockets
- Oil drain pan container
- Pouring Funnel
Disclaimer: Always refer to the owner's manual and factory service manual for Porsche oil change instructions. Blauparts recommend having an A.S.E. certified Porsche mechanic perform vehicle maintenance. Always wear safety gloves and wear safety glasses when performing engine oil and engine oil filter changes.
How To Step 1
Begin by allowing the engine to warm. This can be done by taking your car for a quick 10-15 minute drive. This will allow the engine oil viscosity to get thinner and flow more thoroughly from the engine while it's being drained.
How To Step 2
Raising the Porsche Cayenne in the air to change the oil isn't necessarily required. The Porsche Cayenne has enough ground clearance to access and remove the lower protective splash pan and loosen and remove the engine oil drain plug. If you do desire to lift the vehicle for more working area under the vehicle, please proceed as follows. Confirm you are lifting the vehicle correctly by referencing your factory owner’s manual for the proper vehicle lift point locations and procedures. The vehicle needs to be in a level position to confirm engine oil level when refilling. If the vehicle is not level this can cause the engine oil level to be incorrect and could cause catastrophic engine damage.
How To Step 3
Open your hood and remove the decorative engine cover. The oil filter housing is located under the decorative engine cover. The decorative engine cover is held in place by several grommets in the corner areas. To remove the cover, gently pull up on each corner. One at a time. Be careful not to crack any of the plastic. (Image 1) NOTE: Although this is demonstrated on a 2014 Audi Q7 3.0L TDI, the procedures also apply to the following Porsche Cayenne.
How To Step 4
Using a 32mm oil filter housing socket loosen and remove the oil filter housing cap and oil filter. Typically, you shouldn't get any spillage as this is loosened. As the oil filter cap and oil filter are being loosened a small valve within the oil filter housing will open and allow the oil in the oil filter housing to drain into the lower crankcase sump area. Gather some old rags or shop towels. Have the drain pan nearby. Carefully guide out the housing and oil filter and place them in the drain pan to minimize a mess. (Image 2)
How to Step 5
Remove the old oil filter from the housing cover by pulling directly outward from the oil filter housing cap. This might take some gentle persuasion. (Image 3)
How To Step 6
Pop the new Porsche Cayenne 3.0L Diesel oil filter onto the oil filter housing cap. You'll hear a pop or click when it has popped into place. (Image 4)
How To Step 7
Remove the old O-ring from the oil filter housing cover. Confirm the exact groove on the oil filter housing cover that the O-ring is removed from. If the new O-ring is not placed back into the exact groove it was removed from it is possible to have an oil leak.
Install the new Porsche Cayenne 3.0L Diesel oil filter O-ring (which comes with the new oil filter) back onto its groove on the housing cap. Lubricate it with some fresh clean oil. Be careful not to stretch the O-ring too. Also, lubricate the O-ring on the oil filter with a little bit of fresh oil. (Image 5)
How To Step 8
Thread the new oil filter and oil filter housing cap back into the oil filter housing. Confirm that you're threading it in correctly, so as not to cross-thread it. Using a 32mm oil filter housing socket, torque to 25 Newton meters or 18ft-lbs. (Images 6 and 7)
How To Step 9
Locate the oil fill cap and loosen it. Do not remove it. Loosening it will minimize crankcase pressure creating an easier flow for the old oil to drain from the engine, and minimizing oil splashing.
How To Step 10
Remove the under-engine protective splash pan and place it off to the side. Keep in mind this is a 2-piece splash pan. First, locate and remove all T-25 Torx bit splash pan mounting screws. Next, begin to remove the 10mm splash pan mounting bolts leaving one or two bolts hand threaded on the rear area of the splash pan. These last one or two mounting bolts remaining will allow you to support the pans with one hand and then hand loosen the last one or two bolts by hand minimizing the splash pan from falling on you.
It's also good to remove the rear portion of the splash pan and then the front splash pan. The front portion of the two-piece pan can be tipped down and then pulled back from the front of the vehicle for the easiest removal. (Images 8, 9, and 10)
How To Step 11
Using a 6mm hex socket bit, locate and remove the engine oil drain plug and sealing washer. Allow the oil to drain from the engine into the oil drain pan container. (Images 11, 12, and 13)
Most Porsche Cayenne 3.0L diesel engines came with a 6mm hex bit drain plug. Some Porsche 3.0L diesel engines can have a T-45 Torx bit drain plug. If your car has the T-45 drain plug this is dimensionally the same just with a different bit preference.
How To Step 12
While the oil is draining from your Porsche 3.0L diesel, inspect the oil pan drain plug and sealing washer. If the threads on the plug look worn, replace the oil drain plug. Reinstalling a worn oil drain plug may lead to damage to the internal oil pan's threads, causing replacement of the whole oil pan. A worn oil drain plug can also inhibit the factory torque causing a poor seal and possible oil leaks. If the washer looks crushed it should also be replaced. Failure to do so could allow for oil leaks. While the oil is draining, inspect the oil drain plug. Blauparts recommends a new drain plug and washer every 4-6 oil changes (depending on condition).
How To Step 13
Clean any excessive old oil from the oil pan drain plug area. Install the Porsche Cayenne 3.0L diesel oil drain plug and washer using a 6mm hex bit. Torque the drain plug and sealing crush washer to 21 ft. lb. (Image 14)
How To Step 14
Remove the oil fill cap. Fill your Porsche Cayenne 3.0L diesel engine with engine oil that carries the Porsche 507 00 oil specification. Only use Porsche C30 or VW 507 00 specification oils in the 3.0L diesel engine. The Porsche Cayenne diesel oil fill capacity for the 2013-2014 models is 7.3 liters and for the 2015-2016 models is 7.7 liters. (Image 15)
How To Step 15
Reinstall the oil fill cap.
How To Step 16
Start and run the engine for about 30 seconds. Turn the engine off. This will allow the Porsche Cayenne 3.0L diesel engine's oil system to pressurize with oil, allowing you to check for oil leaks. Observe the oil filter housing area and oil drain plug sealing areas and confirm you don’t have any leaks.
How To Step 17
With the vehicle on a level surface, make a final oil level inspection. With the engine oil temperature cold the oil level is correct when the oil level is just below the middle of the minimum and maximum oil level marks. If checking the engine oil level when the engine and oil are cold, never allow the oil level to exceed the middle of the minimum and maximum oil level marks. See the notes below for important oil level checking information.
Important Oil Level Checking Notes:
The most accurate oil level reading and indication should be done with the engine at full operating temperature. This allows the engine oil volume to be fully expanded. If the oil is checked when cold the oil level should never exceed the middle of the oil level indication marks.
Overfilling is a common mistake. If you fill and check the Porsche Cayenne 3.0L diesel oil level when the engine is cold - the oil is not at its full expansion. As the oil gets hot it expands and you'll fill over the maximum oil level. When overfilled, the excess oil expands and makes its way into inopportune areas such as the PCV valve and crankcase ventilation breather hose system. Overfilling can also cause issues with the DPF, as the excess oil ends up adulterating the air intake system and burns into the exhaust system.
Once the engine is warm (15 minutes). Wait a few minutes once the engine is shut off and then check the dipstick or the oil level through the vehicle's MMI computer system. (Depending on the year of your Porsche 3.0L diesel engine some still had a dipstick. Others may need to have the oil level confirmed through the vehicle's MMI computer system.)
If at full engine operating temperature, the oil level is over the max oil level, the excess oil needs to be removed from the engine.
- 2013-2014 Porsche Cayenne 3.0L TDI Diesel Engine OIl Fill Capacity - 7.3 liter
- 2015-2016 Porsche Cayenne 3.0L TDI Diesel Engine OIl Fill Capacity - 7.7 liter
How To Step 18
Reinstall the decorative engine cover. Take note of the engine cover alignment and confirm the mounting grommets have been gently pressed into place. You'll hear a light pop noise. (Image 16) NOTE: Although this is demonstrated on a 2014 Porsche Q7 3.0L TDI, the procedures also apply to the following Porsche Cayenne.
How To Step 19
Reinstall the splash pan. First, line up and mount the front side of the splash pan leaving the rear mounting hardware off. Install the rear section of the slash pan by mounting the rear of it first and then lastly tipping up both splash pan pieces to the center, installing the mounting hardware. (Image 17)
How To Step 20
Dispose of your old waste oil responsibly by taking it to a certified recycling collection center.
Note in your records the current mileage at the time of oil change, as well as, when you'll need to change your oil next. You may also wish to reset the vehicle's oil change interval system for future oil change indications. We also recommend keeping detailed service records to keep track of your vehicle's true condition. Keeping good vehicle maintenance records can also help improve your vehicle resale value