Do I Need New Shock Stops, Mounts & Boots?
Usually when your Audi shocks and struts begin to go bad the seals start to seep oil. This strut shock oil leaks onto the bump stops eating away at the rubber foam material, affecting its density and ability to perform its job properly. If the bump stop isn't replaced, your new struts have the chance of bottoming out, causing internal strut damage and premature failure. Replacing the stops helps protect new Audi shocks and struts from bottoming out when hitting potholes and rough roads. Leaking strut oil can also get onto the dust boots. Over time this eats away at and weakens the rubber or plastic causing it to deteriorate and eventually fail. Ripped dust boots allow road grime and dirt to contaminate the shock causing scarring of the strut shaft and seals, resulting in premature strut failure. Replacing the boots and sleeves protects new Audi struts (strut shaft and seal) from dirt and dust, ensuring their long lifespan. Nearly all Audi models that we've had in our facility for strut replacement needed new strut mounts. Audi strut mounts are made of a rubber material and with age, collapse and deteriorate. This is especially noticeable in the front of the car since it supports the engine and endures the brunt of road impact.
Worn Audi strut mounts can cause a conspicuous clunking noise when going over both small and large bumps. Worn Audi strut mounts will cause play in the area of the strut tower or top of the strut where the top of the spring perch is located. If you raise the front wheels of the vehicle off of the ground (with the suspension in the un-sprung position), the play in the strut mount will be evident by grabbing hold of front strut assembly (which includes the suspension coil spring)and moving it back and forth. If the strut mount is not worn, you will not have any play when trying to do this.